
Relative Ethics on Globalization

Decent Essays

In today’s world there are so many cultures that have different beliefs and standards than America. Being that all countries are so diverse with their beliefs we all have to realize that all beliefs should be respected and accepted to the fullest. Just because a country has different beliefs than America does not warrant those beliefs to be disrespected in any way. Even if other countries beliefs are as evil as they come, we unfortunately have to accept those beliefs and respect them. Some of those evil beliefs boil down to terrorist attacks. Those terrorist attacks can occur on American soil but do also occur in foreign countries but do kill innocent American citizens. Which than raises the question how do us Americans respond to global …show more content…

This kind of act truly shows that we can unite and accept everyone’s beliefs and we can all respect each other. Which raises my next question. Is the global relativeness always there? Do Americans and most other countries respond to attacks like they on the aftermaths of 9/11? If we take a look at a terror attack in Kenya that occurred September 21st, 2013 we know that were four men with heavily armored weapons that entered a shopping mall and opened fire willingly. Now this attack did not occur in the United States like 9/11 and it also did not kill as many people as 9/11 but it was still an attack on innocent people. Now we saw the global and local response that 9/11 had when it occurred and even during the aftermath of the attacks. What I find striking is that with the attacks on Kenya there wasn’t much global response or relativeness that occurred. Don’t get me wrong, there were many who did reach out but there were some complications. For example, there was such a delayed response by other countries that were asked to help the Kenyan people. “Somebody will have to answer us why it took the number of hours and minutes for the superior force to come in,” said Dalmas Otieno, a member of Parliament. This goes to show that this attack could not be ethically relative to the 9/11 attacks just because of the response time and the support both of these attacks have gotten. The American officials took

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