
Relativism In Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece and the people of Ancient Greence are considered by many to be the fundmenetally pillar of our everything. One part of everything being our concept of ethics. Overall I personally believe that the people of Ancient Greece did very much so value ethics, which are moral values that decide a persons behaivor. The system of ethics they followed however I believe was not a single theory, but a mix of relativism, egoism, and virtue ethics. We see this through the multiple myths occuring around a similar time in which we see many different actions by characters. For example in the story of Oedipus we see the hero for the most part acting under a sense of virtue ethics. Upon hearing that he might harm who he believes to be his parents …show more content…

Of the many different theories I believe Jason’s philosophy revolves mainly relativism however also can be justified by egoism. Jason’s story begings with his quest for the Golden Fleece so he can take over his rightful throne. From this moment we see Jason already acting from a Relativistic point of view as in society proving yourself through a trial of sorts would be considered normal, as evidenced by countless other myths. Upon traveling he runs into a group of harpies, being the hero he is he does exactly what would be expected defeating the harpies and saving a man who was about to fall victim to them. Once again acting according to what would be considered the “right” thing to do acting courageously and defeating “evil.” Once he gets to the Island of the golden fleece Jason once again is tasked with completeing a set of trials. Rather than complained or threaten the King who gives him these trials, he undergoes them, completeing them all valiantly and courageously. Lastly he makes his way back home, and ends up taking another women other than Medea, who had greatly helped in in obtaining the fleece, as his bride. Even this would make sense from a relatvistic point of view. As a hero its only natural he marry the most beautiful

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