
Religion And Its Role Within Societies 600 B.c

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Religion and its role in societies 600 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.

Codifications and further developments of existing religious traditions provided a bond among the people and an ethical code to live by.

Religion has been a dominant cultural, ethical, and political force throughout human history, both recent and ancient. Religion has been science and asylum for many generations of very many people, uniting them in their common faith. Temples were built for people to pray and perform sacrifice in, giving the people a common cause to live for and thereby creating personal relations between people even before you got to know them. The unique features of ancient religions were that they were all polytheistic, meaning that they recognized many gods, instead of one main one. And the problem with this was that in the ancient history, before the invention of writing, nothing was written down: stories were told verbally, laws were passed on verbally, and writing things down was an incredible task for the ancient people, and gave incredible glory to the people that did it, because if it’s written down, it’s much easier to spread your beliefs and it’s harder to forget specifics of your religion or law. Writing down religious and political texts has greatly facilitated the religions’ diffusion and spread throughout the globe, and consequently, brought together and apart many more religious people and governments.
What also helped currently popular and dominant religions spread was that most

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