
Religion : Uncovering A Great Fallacy

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Religion: Uncovering a Great Fallacy
I’ve learned through my experiences that false beliefs produce irrational behavior. To me, this has been demonstrated most clearly by people of faith — those with a belief in something without evidence or understanding. Take for example the suicide bombing community or those who mutilate the genitals of young girls, both entirely comprised of faith-based believers. These people commit atrocities on their family members and themselves with the hope and belief that something better will come. I believe that people who don’t question their beliefs and refine their understanding of truths do themselves a great injustice. I believe religion is a great lie that people have been contently not challenging for …show more content…

The first question that must be asked is “why must religion be challenged?” In many ways, people feel that their personal beliefs should not be an area of free discussion, to which I may concede. If people want to hold their own beliefs that deliver them comfort or reason, so be it, but in return I ask that these same beliefs not be imposed on me or my children, nor the education they receive. Ask yourself, is telling a curious child that having thoughts about their bodies will be the reason they are tortured in fire forever and ever not a form of verbal-mental abuse? Is it really reasonable to deny two men or two women a traditional union that affords them legal and financial benefits on the basis that an ancient book says no? Is it smart or advantageous to teach people that living is useless and that suicide is the answer to salvation? I charge that in none of these cases does religion make an appeal to common sense nor add to the betterment of our civilization and, therefore, needs to be attacked at its roots.
We have to keep in mind that religion is a derivative of our infancy days as a civilized species. That is, it comes from the days when we thought the Earth was flat and was orbited by our sun, the days when we thought the stars positions at our birth implicated our destinies. We also had no knowledge of DNA or understanding of germs or disease, nor the existence of atoms. We hadn’t seen through telescopes or powered cities with

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