
Religious Beliefs Of America's Founders Book Report

Decent Essays

Cameron Wiggins
Historiographical Essay
Since the beginning of this great nation there has been a notion of the role of God and religious beliefs on which it was founded. The founding fathers were men of differentiating views on God and religion but the religious views that each held were important to the very principles and laws of the United States of America. An analysis of documents produced during the revolutionary era demonstrate the importance that God and their religious beliefs played in the independence of United States. To understand and see the importance that these religious ideals played in the independence it is important to understand what each founder’s religious ideology, how they developed this ideology …show more content…

Frazer a professor of history and political studies at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California argues over the issues in regards to the Founders being Christians or deists. Frazer’s approach to this is to analyze what the Founding Fathers exactly meant by separating church and state. In analyzing the core beliefs of eight Founders, Frazer argues that the Founders were neither Christian nor deist. Frazer classified them as “Theistic rationalist,” which is a belief system that consists of the elements of natural religion, Protestantism, and reason. Frazer also exemplifies how the religious beliefs of the Founders are connected to morality, republican government, natural rights, science, and progress. Through understanding these religious ideologies of the Founders the reader is able to better understand the religious references in documents such as the Declaration of Independence. This book is a very key secondary source because it vividly describes the religious beliefs of the Founders of the United States and gives great background information on the roles that the beliefs of the Founders played in constituting a …show more content…

Antieau’s scope is an obvious one as is he is mainly focusing on the lawmakers from Virginia that participated in the constitutional convention. Antieau’s central argument discusses the role that the Founder’s beliefs on the natural rights of man played on their constitutional viewpoints on religious freedom. The Founders believed that religious beliefs and freedom of religion was an important issue to the natural rights of a man. He states in the text “When the Statute for Religious Freedom was adopted in 1785, it recognized that man "has a natural right" to religious freedom. It concluded with the statement "that the rights hereby asserted are of the natural rights of mankind and that if any act shall be hereafter passed to repeal the present or to narrow its operations, such act will be an infringement of natural right."' This article by Antieau is a wonderful piece of literary work the truly helps the reader understand the correlation between natural rights and a religious rights and that the two are inseparable. These views from Antieau also gives to the reader a clearer understanding of the roles that religion would play in constituting America’s

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