
Essay about Religious Conflicts with the Iranian Government

Decent Essays

The middle-east has always been a hot zone for religious and political conflict but more specifically, Iran. Iran is an Islamic state where Islam is practiced within politics. The Constitution of 1979 runs off of the basis of Islamic Law. The population of Iran varies upon resources but they are all around the number of seventy million people. The country is 90 percent Shia Muslim and eight-percent Sunni Muslim.1 The rest of the country is made up of very small minority religions. The minority religions have very little influence in the country and are easily thrown around by the government and the majority Shia Muslims. I am going to explain the government system at the national level and then how religion inter-mingles within …show more content…

The Islamic Republic of Iran has a three branch government: Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. The Executive branch is headed by the president who is the second most powerful government official. The president is elected by a national majority vote and is limited to two four year terms, similar to the United States’ president. The Assembly of Experts evaluate the leader’s actions and meet with him annually to discuss his performance. The president can also be impeached by two thirds vote of the Majlis, or parliament.6 The Supreme Leader is the commander-in-chief of the military. He appoints all commanders in the armed forces. The Supreme Leader also appoints the head of the judicial branch, sets state policy, declares war, and starts amendments and sees over them. The President must be, according to the Constitution, a Shia Muslim. The president selects many vice presidents and 21 ministers who make up his cabinet. How the president and the leader separate power has changed with the leaders in control. When Rafsanjani was in office through the 1990’s he made himself the law and left little room for the president to use his power.7 The legislative branch has a Majlis and the Guardians Council. The Majlis is a board of 290 deputies and they serve a four year terms and are elected by the people. Seeing as the majority is Shia Muslims, five seats are reserved for special religious minorities.

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