
Religious Music And Its Influence On The Music Industry

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Sometimes the question is raised should Christians or religious people listen to secular music or be entertained by television shows? Music has always been a source of entertainment from the days of ole until today. Music is either spiritual or secular. Secular music can be defined as music that does not have a biblical message; it instigates promiscuity, violence or any other possible harmful acts. Some say listening to secular music is harmless because it doesn’t influence your spirituality. The music you listen to should glorify God. Music in its original state was to please God in praise. God had appointed an angelic being to be in charge of the music to sing songs of praise and worship. Some forms of secularism in the music industry are the music director’s desire for the praises and attention for himself or the words of the song have no spiritual tone to it. That same angelic being was stripped of his position to play heavenly psalms, but he still possessed his craft. Some secularist behavior is through music. So the music which was once the sound of praise filling the heavens was now a sound of praise that fills the earth and in some cases corrupting the minds of the people. Some of the musicians of today sing of the devil. They have Satanic rituals before their concerts and during their concerts. Not all music brings about corruption but it may promote promiscuity. The lyrics in some music, such as rock and roll and rap encourage violence,

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