
Remittance In Haiti

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Remittance occurs when an expatriate sends funds to their country of origin. It provides an outside source of income for the country while forcing citizens to look for jobs outside of these underdeveloped nations. Investopedia mentions the importance of this to the economic development of countries by stating that “in 2014 $583 billion in USD was transferred between countries, $436 Billion in USD was transferred was received by developing countries” (Investopedia, 2005). This fact demonstrates how the emergence of remittance with globalization has opened up developing countries to new economic opportunities. Haiti has become a key example of how a country has become reliable on this form of economic contribution. According to a 2010 report …show more content…

A survey of 200 remittance senders living in New York demonstrates that the highest demographic of remitters is men who are between the ages of twenty-three and forty years old. It is also important to note that the two countries with the highest Haitian remitter rate is the United States and the Dominican Republic. A story entitled Illegal Haitian Workers in Demand provides a testimonial of one of these remitters. It specifically observes a 21-year-old man names Carlo Collin who emigrated to the Dominican Republic to provide for his family. In this testimony Collin states that he works in construction, a primary employer of Haitian workers, six days a week and earns unlivable wages. He explains that he has been detained seven times by Dominican soldiers and constantly lives in fear. In the article Collin is …show more content…

The migrants are desperate for work and finances, thus making them susceptible to the exploitation. The extremely low wages and inhumane working environment are accepted because of the desperation of the workers. According to a report by the Migration Policy Institute “Haitian immigrants were as likely to live in poverty (i.e., with incomes below 100 percent of the federal poverty level)” (Batalova&Nwosu, 2014). The inability of these workers to voice against their pay or treatment result in the common exploitation of their labor. As seen in the Migration Policy Institute’s statement where Haitian immigrants earn incomes below 100 percent of the federal poverty rate in the United States. These remitters are living and working in an exploitative environment whereas they are forced to work and earn in an inhumane manner. The main driving force to these jobs is the lack of opportunity in their native

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