
Renaissance Era Sports

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Sports were also very popular in passing the time during the Renaissance period. Many sports played then are still enjoyed today, sports like archery, fencing, swimming, football, lacrosse, tennis, bowling, and many more. Only some nobleman and kings were wealthy enough to have bowling alleys and tennis courts. Others physical games like pallone, maglio, and pome were also played. Pallone was played with a ball that had to be struck by a player using their fists. The object of the game was not to let the ball fall, somewhat like volleyball today. The object of maglio was trying to get the ball to a goal, the person getting it the closest was the winner. Pome was an interesting game of skill and strength. Players ran and threw a spear at an apple hanging from a tree (Jacob). Most sports were mainly only enjoyed by the wealthy.
During the Tudor age, the most popular and important sport of noblemen and Kings was Jousting. Jousting was where two knights on horses ran at each other from opposite …show more content…

Hunts were usually grand events of the wealthy, led by a huge pack of dogs. Different types of dogs were used for different stages of the hunt and depending on the animal being hunted. The weapons that were used for hunting during the time were bows, crossbows, lances, spears, knives, and swords. Many animals were hunted from falcons to bears, including boar, deer, and wolves. Animals were hunted for many reasons, food, fur, and the hunt itself (Jacob). Hunting could be very dangerous as many peasants, nobleman, and even kings had been severely injured or even killed. Even though Petrarch was urging nobleman away from such activities, Baldassare Castiglione’s book, The Book of the Courtier, was a type of manual for the courtier. Advising them that they should be proficient in all sports. That it was important to become a universal man or a Renaissance man as it is known today (Fiero

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