
Renaissance Rebirth

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Revival, Rebirth, these are the words that describes the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period was a period in Europe during the 1300-1700 it was a period of “rebirth”. It was the period between the high middle ages to the modern age. The Renaissance period influenced/ pioneered the things or ideas we use today.During this period, science and technology boosted while,the arts became famous. Renaissance humanism and the bubonic plague (black death)led to the renaissance period this is because there was a need of “rebirth” after the series of epidemics,also people relied on REASON rather than FAITH for explanations thus, boosting science and technology.

Humanism changed the way people see things.During the middle ages people believe in religion as the ultimate virtue but, during the renaissance period they now beleived in reason.Also, they know focus on learning from human experiences rather than the life of Jesus Christ.Human living is now the ultimate goal and not religion. This shows a shift of perspective on the interest of people in the …show more content…

There was a need of “rebirth” after the bubonic plague this brought the people to become interested in knowledge.Also the churches power was weakened during the Renaissance period because they could not provide an explanation for the bubonic plague nor,could they cure it. Also people became interested in scientific studies which some does contradict with the religious teachings of the church.

The Renaissance humanism and the Bubonic plague cause the birth of the Renaissance period. This two causes changed the course of history and the view of the people.For me the Renaissance period is still ongoing because its effects are still felt

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