
Representation of Female Characters in Italian Television Commercials

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Old fashioned images

Apparently, very little seems changed since the time of the Goffman’s analysis. His search is not entirely comparable with the GEMMA ones, because it refers to different times, contexts, and media, but the majority of the detected representations has more than one point of contact with the survey of the Canadian sociologist. In particular, the Goffman’s role function, ie the association between masculinity and positions of power and femininity and secondary tasks, often related to the of the f home keeping and the care of the family, is also found in most of our sample, populated by many housewives and few female workers.
Our data also confirm the Goffman’s description of man as "naturally" placed in a working place, …show more content…

Your husband does not say a word during the dinner? Remove the dish from the table!”, “Attention moms! This meal keeps children at home beyond the age of 40 years”." This is an ironic campaign, according to its creators, because it refers to a far past and invites mothers and wives to not defrost the ready meals, while having the intent to get it done. However, despite the intention, it reminds old stereotypes not completely outdated in the Italian culture and too common in the television advertising to seem ironic
Despite the expectations and the spread of the concerns in the Italian debate on gender and the media, the sensual woman/object to be observed and used, is not a very popular figure in our sample. If anything, she is an element, sometimes discreet sometimes gaudy, which serves to embellish the scene or to a attract or gratificate the gaze. However, this figure appears often in the spot of products more or less related to seduction, like the underware. A commercial of the brand Intimissimi, for example, consists of only close-ups and extreme close-ups of the model Irina Shaykhlislamova, wearing panties and bra, staging the feminine touch well depicted by Goffman. This is also that type of woman found in many commercials with female endorsers chosen more for their beauty than for skills or knowledge. In the sample analyzed is common, for example, the presence of models or actresses like Eva Longoria, Rachel Weisz, Laetitia

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