
Representational Art Reflection

Decent Essays

Balancing the ethics of representational art is tricky ― if there is one idea I will definitely take away from this class, it’s that. Not only was I immensely grateful to have the opportunity to grapple with this topic this semester, but I know it’s also something I will be directly using in the upcoming months as I delve into my co-op. Through this class, I have been exposed to a variety of engaged and activist theatre that has not only piqued my interest, but also allowed me to connect back and draw new insight from my previous studies. While my coursework and, my writing in particular, have gone through ups and downs as I have struggled to balance clarity and a new fluency in activist performance language; I have remained engaged and pushed myself to do better after every project.
As the second half of the semester began, we started with some loose case studies as we geared up for our final project culminating the course. The de Certeau reading highlighted the strength of our classroom discussion as we dissected this dense and difficult reading. When encountering the text before class, I combed my way through and struggled to develop fluency with de Certeau’s vocabulary. In my microessay, I demonstrated “clear” (Snyder Young 2017a) understanding with my chosen quote and subsequent rationale. However, my attempt to write using de Certeau’s vocabulary ended up with a lack of clarity in my question, “How can we create representational art that considers the tactic so f the

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