
Research Capabilities of Teacher Education Students

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Humans by nature are inquisitive beings about their world especially on the why and wherefore of things which enable them to invent, to search, and to arrive at adequate answers or solutions. In spite of this great thirst for information and the search for truth, the present stage of development reveals that knowledge is still incomplete and that there are still numerous problems which are waiting to be solved. These findings are basically true in every field of endeavor, particularly in the field of education.
Studies have shown that the Philippine Educational System is besieged with many unresolved problems affecting primarily the teaching-learning process. However, it is sad to note that despite …show more content…

Prior to the assessment of research capabilities, the focus will prepare students for higher research that is very useful in taking up Post-graduate degrees where it needs higher level of research works.

Below is the statement that shows the students’ research capabilities that were assessed.

Independent Variables Intervening Variables Dependent Variable

Figure 1. A Schematic Diagram showing the Relationship among Variables

Statement of the Problem This research aimed to determine the research capabilities of the NSCA fourth year teacher education students, Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) and Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED), who were enrolled in research studies. Specifically, this research undertaking sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the extent of research capabilities of the NSCA fourth year teacher education students based on the following: a. Introduction; b. Review of Related Literature; c. Research Design and Methodology; d. Results and Discussions; e. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations; f. Human and Material Resources; g. Collaboration among Researchers? 2. What is the extent of research capabilities of the NSCA fourth year teacher education students when grouped according to profile: a. Course; b. Campus? 3. Is there a significant difference on the extent

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