
Research Employment Laws Is A Tough One

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Picking out just one country to research employment laws was a tough one. I have been very fortunate that during my childhood (I was a military brat, and lived everywhere) and even the last 16 years of my adult life (from being in the military myself, and being married to a service member) I have been to many countries around the world. I have enjoyed my time everywhere I have been, as I am one that always makes the best of the new situation. I probably would be a great expatriate for a company, since I am one that loves to indulge myself in the local culture and just learn as much as I can when I am there. I decided on Germany, as that is one country I have spent the most time in, and one of my best friends (that is born and raised there) is from there. I have always enjoyed the history and culture of that country as well.
Hours Worked/Minimum Working Age When I lived in Germany I always thought it was frustrating that everything was closed on Sundays; as Sundays are my days for grocery shopping, errands and getting things ready for the following week. I had to learn to re-do my routines to accommodate this; but fortunately, being in Germany as military personnel, I was able to go on post (or base) to get necessary shopping done as well since American posts/bases were run by American law. Germany has a law in place that dictates the amount of hours per day/week/year that a person can work and this law is the Working Time Act (WTA). According to Jung (2001), “the

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