
Research Paper On Avocado

Satisfactory Essays

What foods are rich in potassium? There are a lot of potassium-rich foods to choose from to meet your daily requirement. This list includes some of the highest potassium-rich foods around.

1) Avocado: 1 whole: 1,067 milligrams (30 percent DV)

Avocado is definitely one of my favorite potassium-rich foods. A 2013 study published in the Nutrition Journal revealed epidemiological data from 2001 to 2008 that describes the effects and benefits of avocado consumption on metabolic disease risk factors. Overall, researchers found that people who ate avocados tended to have healthier diets overall, as well as an increased nutrient intake and a decreased likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome. (3)

2) Acorn Squash: 1 cup: 896 milligrams (26 percent

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