
Research Paper On Boy Scouts

Decent Essays

I, Sammy Cornelius, enjoy to the extent of nerdy functions, from modifying software bit by bit to playing Dungeons and Dragons. I am also extremely interested in Snakes, mainly because of scout camp and catching them. My main interest in technology sprung off at the early age of 3. Because of one game, “Toy Story (the Game). Boy scouts is another large key in my life. As I have been in since first grade. Currently I am 13.7 years old and have been around the world. In this paragraph you will see a large glimpse of my life. Slither, Slither, Hiss… How do the words before make you feel? Do they make you feel relaxed, scared, or even on edge? Do you think about a big green anaconda eating something you care about? Now wipe that thought clean. I am going to tell you what snakes actually are. Snakes are actually reptiles that survived the Ice Age by burrowing underground and eating each other and mice. Mainly because of the lack of food and extremely low temperatures, they would form a super ball of snakes. I tell you this because snakes are animals too. They are not the devil animals that they are portrayed to be and will only …show more content…

The fans whirring, the sound system delivering that first 500 Mhz beep, and the screen flashing choose boot drive. This is a feeling that I love, as I build computers for just about everyone. I have built / refurbished 10 to date because I love it. The challenge of placing a processor into the motherboard, making it fit correctly into all of the pins in the sockets. Weaving the power supply wires through the back paneling to make the interior of the computer somewhat presentable. This is honestly one of my zen places. Building computers and using them has been a huge part of my life. I was just three when I played my first game ever; Toy Story (the game). It was actually well developed and was a great intro to a career option. As of currently I have Made, Hacked ,and Modded many

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