
Hector Capstone Assignment

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Running head: HECTOR


Hector: Capstone Assignment # 3
Eleanor Guwa
November 27th 2017
Dr. Carolina Simmons
Psychology 2223

Who is Hector? Hector is a Mexican teenage boy who migrated with his family to the United States when he was an infant. Although life has tried to pull him down left and right, he has tried his best not to get influenced by peer pressure but stay in school and graduate high school. Being friendly and having great role models has helped him stay away from trouble despite growing up in a violent neighborhood.
Discussion Questions
Hector although a young man he only had a few close friends. One of the reasons being that because his family were immigrants, his family had moved a lot in search of greener pasture. Searching for greener pasture being one of the number one reasons people migrate to in Hector's family which was moving from Mexico to the United States made him lose a lot of the friends he had growing up. Migration is considered as one of the major life events which often involves profound changes including a disruption of well-established relationships. It challenges the adaptive capacity of the families collectively and each of their members individually (Roebers et Schneider, 1999 P 125). Although it is common that when a lot of people migrate to other countries they automatically lose the ties they had and are forced to start afresh, it is often hard for most people to adjust.
Another reason was that most of his teenage friends got married and had children which gave them a lot of responsibility and less time to talk or do any normal teenage thing Hector would be interested in. The prospect of becoming a parent proved to be a turning point in their lives; one that provided an impetus to take up education and employment and connect with their families and community with the aim of providing a supportive growing environment for their children (Duncan et Alexander, 2010). Once a person becomes a teenage parent, they are forced to grow up and take responsibility of the child or children they have which in some cases is even quitting school or having to work two or three jobs. In Hector's case, his friends were automatically having to do

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