
Research Paper On Human Trafficking

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The most gruesome experience that a human can go through is to be a victim of human trafficking. Human trafficking has suffered the lives all around the world no matter what race, color, gender, or age. Even you could become a victim. To sum up the definitions of human trafficking is that this is a trade of people for different purposes, such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, etc. Others know human trafficking as the “modern day slavery,” which mean people can control and exploit the victims, sexually or force labor. Human trafficking is not the only problem. There are also many rotten categories that are involved within it.
According to Wikipedia, human trafficking is defined as “ The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or …show more content…

The human trafficking trade affects everybody worldwide. The last count was 4.5 million people. Victims are often being abused and forced into sexual exploitations that they cannot escape. Sex trafficking was first introduced as “The movement of people, between and within countries for sex work.” Sex trafficking could also be a way for a refugee to be involved in a sexual act as an order of allowing or organizing their migration. Traffickers often abuse victims through physical and emotional, making them believe that this is the only way to live. If victims think or act otherwise they would die. One tactic that traffickers use on victims is to promise freedom to victims. These victims often bartered for their freedom with prostitution. Traffickers would keep victims’ visa and other identification papers …show more content…

This is better known as labor trafficking, which is basically the recruitment of people for the sole purpose of enslaving them for labor and service. Migrant workers are especially at risk in becoming a victim of labor trafficking. They are often tricked into servitude in exchange for assistance in an unfamiliar country, however these are just empty promises. There is also another focus on trafficking and it is forced marriage. Forced marriage often happens when a bride or groom needs money and he or she is willing to exchange that for sex and companionship. The AHA Foundation Blog wrote, “A forced marriage qualifies as a form of human trafficking in certain situations. For example, if a woman is sent abroad, forced into the marriage and then repeatedly compelled to engage in sexual conduct with her new husband, then her experience is that of sex trafficking. If the bride is treated as a domestic servant by her new husband and/or his family, then this is a form of labor

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