
Research Paper On Human Trafficking

Decent Essays

Human Trafficking
“Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.” (Edmund Burke) Human trafficking is modern era slavery. It is an inhumane act against innocent people. The world is full of traffickers, it is a large industry. The victims of sexual exploitation are 98% women and children, and there are many case stories of victims and their past experiences.
Everyday more and more people are getting involved in a negative way. Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry and also the fastest growing crime. This is due to the high profit, and low risk of getting caught. Trafficking within countries or abroad is, and will always be a violation of human rights. The people behind this will never stop or slow down, this is a multi-billion dollar industry. Also, the number of individuals a trafficker can control, the more money they earn. We are all competitive people, and money turns people into animals. …show more content…

The demand for sexual services continues to rise, which means the profit will continue to grow, which pushes traffickers to recruit more and continue to violate ones human rights. You may think it’s a challenge to gather women, but it is pretty simple. This is true for not only women and children, but for anyone. Victims are usually vulnerable in society, they are lured in by false promises. The most common victims are homeless or runaway youth, people who have suffered some sort of violence, and people with low qualities of life. There are over 500 known trafficking flows around the world. This is a global crime, but also a local crime. Human trafficking happens anywhere, at any time, to anyone. It is estimated that up to 21-million women and girls are currently living as sex

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