
Research Paper On Jesse James

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Jesse James was an outlaw that was well-known for his outrageous raids and robberies in the 19th century. His crimes mostly took place in Missouri so it impacted them the most. His notorious acts had made people fearful of what he would do next so they did not invest in Missouri. Jesse James gruesome acts impacted Missouri by suppressing economic growth. The American outlaw who was known as a Robin Hood was far from it and truly impacted the lives of many. Jesse James was born in September 5 of 1847 and raised in Kearny Missouri; he was the product of Robert James and Zerelda James. His father, Robert was a Baptist preacher and slave holder who died in California by contracting cholera. His mother Zerelda had remarried after Roberts’s death three times and fully supported and defended Jesse with his crimes. He had seven siblings one who was his partner in crime, his older brother Frank James. Jesse was raised pro-confederate and pro-southern which meant that he was not against slavery. Jesse James had followed in Frank’s footsteps and became a marauding bushwhacker (a confederate guerilla fighter) and joined the confederate guerilla led by “Bloody Bill”. Later on Jesse had joined Frank along with other confederate guerillas to rob stagecoaches and do raids. Jesse James career as a criminal started in 1862 when he had joined a band of guerilla fighters led by William Quantrill. By joining this gang it influenced him to become a criminal; some of the crimes he committed

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