
Research Paper On The Miracle Worker

Decent Essays

The Miracle Worker The director wanted to emphasize the importance of teachers throughout her life. The story of Helen Keller and the miracle worker is beautiful in that is does show how hard it was to teach Helen what was going on in her world. The director used Kate Keller and Annie Sullivan to show how Helen needed to be taught with both love and structure to be able to succeed in learning to communicate. The director showed the differences in teaching styles though how each character treated Helen. Kate Keller’s idea of teaching was through bribery and letting her do anything she wanted. This could be seen in how she would pet Helen to give her comfort when Helen became scared Annie. Kate let Helen do what she wanted even though it wasn’t the best way to teach a child how to interact with others. On the other hand, Annie Sullivan’s teaching style was more focused on discipline. Her actions towards Helen were often rough and unforgiving, like when she was teaching Helen how to eat with a spoon. She continued forcefully, handing she spoons until she did it herself. This showed how Helen needed …show more content…

By both being in green, it showed that they had an equal part in teaching Helen as she grew up. Green is a color that is balanced due to being in the center of the spectrum. By having both of them in this color this showed how they were both stable in how their lives were, that is until they met each other. Kate may not have taught her how to act like a sophisticated person, but she did teach her about the necessity of love. How love is an important aspect of life and that there is a place to find comfort. Annie was the one that taught her what she needed to know but never had the chance to learn. They were in a way opposites of each other but were necessary in getting Helen to a place where she could function on her own. These women brought stability into Helen’s life that was shown in the color they

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