
Research Paper On Zebra Mussels

Decent Essays

Did you know zebra mussels can lay up to 1 million eggs a year? The zebra mussel has been overpopulating the Great Lakes since the mid 1980s. They’re destroying everything around them. The communities of Northeast Indiana should battle the zebra mussels because they are destroying the ecosystem, they’re destroying every manmade object around them, and they are overpopulating. To start with, the zebra mussels are destroying the ecosystem. As it says in the National Wildlife Foundation, “ They devastate native species by stripping the food web of plankton, which has a cascading effect throughout the ecosystem. Lack of food has caused populations of alewives, salmon, whitefish, and native mussels species to plummet.” The zebra mussels are …show more content…

In the King County site they say, “ zebra mussels cause far-reaching damage to water structures, “they attach to manmade structures, particularly pipelines, impeding water movement through hydroelectric turbines and intake structures for drinking water and irrigation systems.” Although they seem small and harmless the zebra mussels are breaking and destroying every manmade object they can find. Since they have their tentacles that can stick to things very well, when they come off the structure they are taking pieces off of the structure with them. The zebra mussels need to attach to a hard surface, so they are attaching to boats, motors, pipes, etc… They are breaking those objects piece by piece and if we don’t stop them now our objects will be ruined or destroyed. Finally the zebra mussels are overpopulating the waters. In the Alien Profile it says, “ A female zebra mussel can produce 30,000 to 1,000,000 eggs in one year!” Now think of that number of eggs times 5 trillion. That’s a lot isn’t it, well that’s how many zebra mussels there could be being made right now. We need to stop the mussels before they become so out of control that we can’t stop them. We need to do it now while we still have a

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