What my story is going to be about is zombies. When I think about the words zombie I think of something that is like the living dead. I don't know if you ever saw the show called the walking dead.
First, I think zombies are cool, but scary at the same time. Like if saw a zombie locked up I would not get scared. If there was a zombie about to kill me I would get scared. I would love to have zombie every where so I can kill them. I'm not saying i'm a killer but I never shot a gun really. So it will not be hard to get some target practice.
Second, the zombies trace all the way back to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "zombie" first appeared in English around 1810 when historian Robert Southey mentioned it in his book "History of Brazil."
The article “My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead,” written by Chuck Klosterman, discusses the reasons behind zombies becoming so popular. Klosterman writes that rise of popularity of zombies is different than that of vampires. He states that most monsters are initially created as representations of fear. Similar to that of Frankenstein or vampires, Klosterman explains that zombies could be viewed in the same light; however, zombies are better explained as an allegory for our day to day existence. Rather than some innate fear, Klosterman highlights this fact to be why zombies have risen to such high popularity.
The terror of death typically consumes people, therefore, they must prepare for anything to happen. Not knowing what to expect can make it difficult to prepare for if the event has yet to happen. People planning to survive the zombie apocalypse must follow the process of gathering weapons, finding the items necessary to survive, and learning to use surrounding items to fight zombies.
This “monster” has grown and adapted on a large scale from when it was originated to now. Just the fact that in the beginning, the concept was just resurrection to now where zombies can only be killed by taking out the brain and they feed on human flesh, is crazy. Entertainment today is overwhelmed by the zombie. Zombies are literally everywhere. Although, they are presented in different ways almost every time you see them, all zombies are the same.
The article “The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies,” written by Mike Mariani, was published on October 28, 2015. Mike Mariani is a writer in Hoboken, New Jersey with many of his stories published to The Atlantic. Mariani’s main audience is anyone in the general public or any individual that could be lacking information in history of zombies. There have been many myths of zombies. But the oldest ones first appeared in Haiti during the 17th and 18th centuries. This form of zombies is described as slaves that were brought in from Africa and worked to death. Once they were worked to death, this lead to the importation of more. Once a slave was worked to death, they were denounced to the Hispaniola plantations for life. Their bodies had no use
Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern zombies first appeared in George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but Return of the living dead’s fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie monster.
The Stupid Zombies have actually increased once more, as well as our heroes are on the step!
Vampires and zombies are both fictional. However, one does have more of a possibility of being real. The origin story of vampires is that they were the dead rising from hell to wreak havoc; this makes it hard to believe they could exist, considering not everyone believes in an underworld. On the other hand, bacteria are all around us and spread viruses all over the world. This is the origin of the modern day zombie, they are no longer the dead becoming the living, instead, it’s a highly contagious virus that spreads throughout the world. There is even a type of fungus that has been known to “zombify” ants. Making the chance of a zombie invasion even more
Imagine watching the news as usual before heading to work one morning. Suddenly, the words “breaking news” flashes on screen. A reporter gives horrific details of a virus that has broken out in the nearest major city, causing people to attack and eat anyone near them. They avoid the words but the unavoidable truth of the matter is on everyone’s minds; the zombie apocalypse has begun. Widespread panic sets in among the neighborhood, and it is apparent no one has a clue as to what to do next. Do not let emotions overrule logic, though, as panic is the quickest killer. Remembering what to do when the outbreak begins, when enduring the dangers of travel, and when seeking out a long-term shelter are the best way to avoid
Death has been our ultimate fear since the beginning of creation as we speculate our own demise from this world. From the moment of conception, we slowly begin the death process hypnotizing on whether it would be a painful or quick departure. Nevertheless, when the dead return, they become our living nightmare. The walking dead is the pinnacle of frightened imagines engraved in our culture having an uncontrollable appetite for human flesh. They are the perfect fighting machine that will be on top of the food chain once the pandemic arrives. Ancient cultures have foretold of evil tormented souls escaping a life sentence from the grave. Primitive cultures believe that if we don’t honor the dead, they will return seeking revenge. Cannibalism is
Continuing on, zombies have had a huge pop culture impact on the world. The peak popularity time of zombies every year is undoubtedly the month of October as Halloween approaches. During the Halloween season many zombie movies, books, video games, etc. are released and a lot of them have a major “hype” factor around them. For example, the popular video game series “Call of Duty” tends to
While the idea of zombies or where they were first originated from can be debated by many different countries, several of these myths have reoccurring plots of how humans passed away, and found a way to come back from the dead. No matter what story is being told from around the world about zombies, they all seem to originate from a dark power being used to bring someone back from the dead. Throughout the centuries; however, we have adapted towards our new technology and now many zombie stories include either a deadly virus that escaped from a lab or a biological disease that somehow evolved and helped reanimate people; yet, didn’t completely bring them to life as the functioning citizens they used to be. Although the story of how zombies came to be has changed due to technological advances, in both cases zombies seem to represent a punishment and a plague to the human species and are condemned as evil beings, or ungodly. With increasing popularity in American society, it is evident that the main explanation its popularity are because it depicts survival or an individual or group of individuals, shows a new society that isn’t overly sanitized or censored, gives people with regular lives an opportunity to live vicariously through the characters and furthermore shows that consumerism isn’t a necessity.
Zombie actually exists for many people in different places and people thinks zombies are very real. Zombies are said to be brought back after death using various magical process. According to an article,” Zombies: The Real Story of the Undead” by Benjamin Radford, zombies were used to work as a slave in past times. Zombie takes part in troubling human beings and other living creatures by killing as well as
Zombies are a phenomenon almost everyone has heard about. Shambling mindless corpses trying to feast on the flesh of the living. The idea of the undead has been around for almost as long as people have. There have been multiple cultural phenomenon and ideas of how to keep the dead from coming back to haunt the living. The first modern zombies appeared in Haiti around 1920 and has become a massive part of American culture. So why have zombies remained so culturally significant? Why has the idea of the dead coming back to life with a malicious intent has caused fear in humans for centuries? How are zombies related to the ever-changing cultures of humanity? Shawn McIntosh, David Pagano, and Martin Rogers write about the significance of zombies
Scary movies are one of the most popular genres out there, as well as mystery and crime books— this is because deep down people love to be scared. People are attracted to things they can’t explain and feelings, like fear, that they can’t control. The idea of zombies taking over our world is a very scary thought and it has been a growing fear in recent years in our society. Not only is the thought of our loved ones, neighbors, friends, or possibly even yourselves being undead and attacking your fellow community is a terrifying and disturbing thought. Fear of the unknown also plays a major role in the interest of zombies, and because no one knows exactly how our society will come to an end, we are terrified at the thought that it could be by a horrible outbreak. We like structure and safety in America, and for the most part we favor on the side of having more control. In the event of an apocalypse, all of those things would crumble, and the world would become complete chaos. That factor scares people, but also entices them at the same time. We are worried about a time with no rules or order, but also we are curious about what it would be like to lash out and act violently without getting in trouble. We also are fearful of a time when status and wealth does not matter. For example, in World War Z, the
The zombies the book are portrayed as slow and easy to escape. The character’s actions and portrayal are the decider if they met their demise. The zombies in the book are dangerous, but only if you don’t take the right precautions. Sims describes the zombies as “a black bear.”(48) In the wrong situations a bear is dangerous, fearful, and would kill if presented the opportunity. Zombies follow that same categorization. The difference between the two is awareness. A