
Research Proposal On Industrial Farming

Decent Essays

Assignment 2 Proposal INTRO I am writing to propose to you- the USDA- a solution to the exigent issue of how industrial agriculture is hurting our environment. As I’m sure you're aware, industrial forms of agriculture are harmful to the soil, deplete many nutrients from the environment, and produce harmful chemical wastes. I am here today to propose a method of moving agricultural efforts to more local and sustainable ways of farming. BACKGROUND The majority of industrial farming is based on growing one crop. This method of growing one item extensively is known as monoculture. This type of farming depends on the heavy use of chemicals and pesticides as these fields are at a much higher risk for weeds, diseases, and pests. Heavy use of Image 1 (Hlahane, Keneilwe November 2016) chemicals causes runoff which spread the chemicals to soil and water all over. When these chemicals get into lakes, they can cause eutrophication (see Image 1) which leads the lake to die altogether and during this process, chemicals can get into the food sources of many animals such as the birds that may eat the fish from this chemically infested water. This heavy use of pesticides also can lead to biologically resistant pests and diseases that can cause much more damage than original forms that could be easily killed. Harm is also seen in animal production such as cows and pigs. When these animals are clustered together in a dirt lot, all their waste piles up and rather than providing fertilizer

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