
Science Fair Proposal

Good Essays

Science Fair Proposal
Valerie Almanza
Everman Joe C. Bean High School


I will be doing an experiment on people and how their minds work when they look at different faces. This is in the psychology category because it deals with people’s images of others and how they view beauty. I will be analyzing if people choose a composite face or an individual, unedited face, based on their beauty standards.

If individual faces are composed in one face to create a brand new face, then regular people will indeed find them to be more attractive than the individual faces.


In today’s society, all magazines edit models to look like “a better version of themselves”, or to fix insecurities or flaws. This has followed into the social media world. Most teens use filters and edit their pictures to look better and perhaps completely different than what they normally look like.
Photoshop and photo editing apps are very important to young people so they can look “better”, or “prettier” and are continuing to grow as image standards change and new styles develop. Teens want to alter their own image so they can look more like the model, when in fact the model looks totally different than in the magazine.
With this experiment, I will test people of different ages and analyze what picture they consider to be more attractive, the edited ones or the individual photos. I will be using photoshop to edit these pictures and create composite faces with

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