
Research on the Cell Cycle of an Onion Root Tip

Decent Essays

Cell cycle is a series of sequenced events in a Eukaryotic (a cell with a nucleus and membrane-bounded organelles) from its origin until its division to produce two daughter cells. There are different forms of cell division: mitosis: an asexual division that produces daughter nuclei with the exact copies of the parent nuclei and Meiosis; cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes to produce specialized cells called gametes (sex cells) that produces half the number of chromosome of the parent cell. Cell cycle is divided in three major steps: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. During interphase step, the cell produces proteins particular cells need to function properly. Interphase is separated into three phases: G1 phase where most cell’s organelles duplicate leading the cell to grow and expand, Synthesis phase where the DNA in the chromosome replicate, and G2 phase where the proteins are synthesized preparing mitosis for cell division. Due to the numerous activities going on, the cell spends a lot of time in interphase. Next major step of the cell cycle is the mitotic (M) phase, during which the cell splits into two distinct cells, often called "daughter cells". Mitosis is accomplished during four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. During prophase, the replicated chromosomes condense, so they can move around freely, nuclear envelopes, the membrane that surrounds the nucleus scatters, and spindle protein structures called

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