
Resilience In Childhood

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Billig,(1995) supported the theory of Barrett and Oppenheimer 2011 has demonstrated that “despite the pervasiveness of national identity, it is also true to say that national identities are often invisible, to children and adults alike. (Cited in Gallagher P.2015.2.5) This suggests that identities, to children can have a major importance to a child’s life,e.g. the language a child learn to speak, the way of life adopted by the child’s family heritage. Furthermore,identity is not just an important attribute associated with a childs national identity which is self categorized and learnt, tried and counterproductively tested throughout their lifetime. This shows that even though children can grow to understand other influences, they are more …show more content…

Having good relationships with adults can facilitate and boost resilience of a children who might never have experienced these emotions e.g. encouragement, approval are more likely to be resilient from those who experience humiliation, rejection or failure because they understand how to remain hopeful, and feel able to take control of their actions making the less vulnerable despite them challenges that peers and caregivers have distributed. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (1979) may have been good at pinpointing the development stages of life and the different environments that are associated, but does not provide reason for a child’s emotional and social …show more content…

However attachment security is only one of many factors affecting outcomes such as, high risk social environments and experience being the basis for maturity. This shows that;the body of evidence supports the view that secure attachment is associated with social competence. However,having stability in care giving environments is likely to be largely responsible for these continuities, rather than attachment itself having inherent stability. The influence of caregivers and peers can have an impact on any child’s development as this has the tendency to show some transposable trends, which suggest that the poor and neglectful care giving can have a negative knock on effect on areas of a childs growth. Furthermore, risks of peer pressure from their peer group this could increase as a result of children being bullied due to being low in sociometric status, making a child more exposed to suffer from negative outcomes such as lower

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