
Resistance To Change In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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Resistance to change is the underlying theme of American author William Faulkner’s short story entitled “A Rose for Emily.” The critical analysis essay on A Rose for Emily is an in-depth exploration of how the main character, Emily Grierson, relates with the society. Moreover, it is also a story about a woman who had been in the shadow of the overbearing nature of her father for a very long time.

A Rose for Emily” does not follow the progression of a typical narrative. As it is a short story, the reader can still easily follow the story. It begins with the funeral of the main character – Emily – and how people remember her. It then shifts to a time years before her death when the mayor and aldermen of the next generation reminded Emily of her taxes, by which she rebuffed them haughtily and insisted they see Colonel Sartoris (a deceased town official of the previous generation) as they have an arrangement.

The critical analysis paper on A Rose for Emily shifts us to another time, when Emily’s father was still alive and how their background as Southern aristocrats who had their fortunes were reversed due to the Civil War. Even with their fortunes gone, both father and daughter remained haughty as ever and they rebuffed every man who had courted Emily to pursue a relationship with her or marry her.

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She had fallen victim to society: first, she had fallen victim to her father’s demeanor and, second, she had also fallen prey to the dictates of society. Perhaps she had killed Homer to satisfy society’s rules that aristocrats should not marry laborers. Despite his murder, she still loved him and defied the town regarding an awful smell that emanated from her house. She had also been resistant to change by not accepting the death of her father and not accepting Homer’s death. The critical analysis essay for A Rose for Emily deems the title character as a victim and thus deserves understanding for her circumstances in

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