
Respect And Respect

Decent Essays

Respect. A term which some may forget its meaning when confronted with a conflicting situation. Some choose to ignore while others forget about its existence when emotion is the only thing in their mind. Regardless of any excuse to disregards its existence it is still a fundamental part of society and, also as it will be mentioned in this paper, the United States Army. Now respect can be and has been expressed differently through out time and culture throughout he whole world. Who knows maybe even outside our own Planet. Respect is one of the most important things that make our humanity and society, it is expressed in a number of ways, it impacts those it is directed to, and it is not a one sided directive. Society is an organized community composed of logical creatures with …show more content…

Like the branches of that tree neglecting the devotion of practicing and dedicating respect to those around you and including yourself can make your connection and/or self wither away from the disconnection that follows when a "tree is not capable of giving fruit and is cut". This tree simile is simply to portray the effect of voiding respect from ones impact with another person. That said person will not only be offended but subtract you from their life and reject any "bad fruit" or further interaction with you. With every impact big or small, respectful or disrespectful, there is always a price to be paid and sometimes that figure can exceed expectations and furthermore demand taxes. A wolf knows this, without the mutual respect from its pack it will become an outcast starve or even become wounded leading it to pay a price worth more than it knows, its life. Like any interaction either vocal or not there is two or more sides that apply input and reap results. A fact that must not be neglected is that respect is not just up to one person or

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