
Response To Intervention

Decent Essays

The Response to Intervention Process
Response to intervention (RtI) is an approach that was recently recommended by IDEA. IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This law was passed in 2004 by George W. Bush. It improved the service for children with disabilities and their families. It was important for them to do this to make education fair and equal. Part B and Part C of IDEA are the most important parts to teachers. Part B is for students age 3-21 with special needs and includes funding and guidelines. Part C is more about providing intervention services for infants and toddlers with special needs. The purpose of RtI was to figure out if a student actually has a learning disability. This model takes into account a “student’s …show more content…

First is high-quality research-based instruction in the general education classroom setting; all students will receive the same general education. Next is the ongoing monitoring of student performances. Like I said before, this includes screening and progress monitoring of that student. Also, there are multiple tiers of instruction that get more intense as time goes on, based on the student’s response. There are two approaches that are used with the RtI approach. They are the problem-solving approach and the standard treatment protocol approach. With the problem-solving approach, a group of professionals decide the context of the intervention that will be used with that student. This is to make sure that no single intervention is used all throughout the school. The standard treatment protocol approach is the complete opposite. It uses one universal approach to all students receiving interventions for extra help. These two approaches are used together frequently and called the blended …show more content…

It is school-wide and is in place for all students at the given school. This is the general education curriculum being taught by the general education teacher. Students generally stay in this tier unless they are not making academic progress throughout the school year. It is characterized by high-quality, scientifically based instruction that occurs in the general education classroom and is implemented by the general education teacher. To ensure that student difficulties cannot be attributed to poor-quality instruction, these programs are put into place. This instruction during this time should be differentiated and the student’s progress should be monitored. Tier 1 uses universal screening. In Tier 1, there is also progress monitoring. This means that the teacher assesses students’ performances on a regular basis. It is used to determine the extent to which students are benefiting from classroom instruction and for monitoring the effectiveness of interventions. “Progress monitoring should occur at least once per month in Tier 1.”The teacher then sets in places goals for the students to reach and also interventions to use for this student during whole-class instruction. During this time the teacher asks, 1) what is the problem? 2) Why is it occurring? 3) What can we do to fix the problem? and 4) did our solution

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