
Response To Teresa Feldhausen's Article About Global Warming

Decent Essays

Teresa Feldhausen’s article about global warming focused on the various opinions or beliefs people form based on where they reside in the world. The excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and oceans, as well as other threats to the environment, has been studied by scientists for many years. Large numbers of people, however, are either unaware of the issue or simply do not agree with the scientific evidence. Everyone in the world does not have access to education and technology, which leaves many societies at a disadvantage and prevents them from staying up to date on global concerns.
For instance, the majority of people living in underdeveloped countries are oblivious to the fact that such an idea as global warming exists. Contrariwise, Faldenhausen suggests that people living in more advanced areas of the globe, around ninety percent, have heard of climate change. Furthermore, Feldhausen reported that Lee et al. and Hopkins described these discoveries in Nature Climate Change: …show more content…

He’s the study’s lead author. Now at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., he worked on the analysis when he was at the Earth Institute. It’s located at Columbia University in New York City. Lee says the new analysis indicates that there’s still much work to do in getting word out about global warming. Indeed, helping people in different parts of the globe understand it may require explaining the data and risks in very different ways. Those explanations might almost have to differ from one neighboring country to

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