
Response To The Poem Beach Burial

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World War II was the obvious winner when it came to the most deadly catastrophe in human history. The world was convinced that it was the worst of all wars that they have ever seen because it did not just claim over 60 million lives but the fact that it left a permanent scar on the other innocent souls that lived to see the true nature of war that made it truly deadly. Because of the damage it has done, I have become a committed pacifist. War is unnecessary and pointless. People think that violence is the key to solving something but it does not. It just makes the situation even worse with having to send so many innocent souls to fight for their country and then watching them die right in front of your eyes.
A way to show the true colours …show more content…

It was a tribute to the Australian soldiers that fought during World War II. The poem does not talk about the glorification of war or the celebration of heroes. It talks about how brutal and horrifying the deaths of the soldiers were but, the ironic message behind the poem is that whether they were allies or enemies, they were all united in goals and ultimately in death. Slessor conveys his thoughts on war about the unnecessary sacrifices that the young innocent youths have made. He successfully managed to create a depth of emotion in the readers so that they can empathise with him about the loss of the tragic lives by using many language features and poetic …show more content…

In the opening lines of the poem where the soldiers, “sway and wander in the water far under,” he manages to tell us that the tone of the poem is soft and calming. But it eventually changes to become blunt and it is evident in the line, “the sob and clubbing of gunfire.” This shows us the brutality of war and how horrifying it is. Even the title of the poem is a paradox itself. The beach is normally a place to have fun but in the poem it is described to be a place of death because the word “burial” is put next to it.
The problem about war is that, we fight and kill each other to fight for justice, but what’s the point? The soldiers are all one, especially when they are united by one common thing, death. Throughout the poem, the poet stresses that all soldiers are one when they die and lose their identity and are all joined together after death. It is evident in the line, “whether as enemies they fought, or fought with us, or neither; the sand joins them together.” The poet is trying to tell us that the soldiers that are buried under the sand have not only lost their identity, but were joined together by the

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