
Restoring Tidal Wetlands : Restoration Of Natural Habitats

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Restoring Tidal Wetlands Ivan Torrenegra
Tropical Landscapes Professor. Juan Bueno April 9, 2015 Restoring Tidal Wetlands
The proper process in restoring wetlands is fundamental to recover some of the lost habitats and biodiversity from our lifestyle. Ensuring this recovery could change our lives. Meanwhile, it is the mentality and innocence about the importance of this topic what doesn’t lead to more restoration of natural habitats. However, changing out the mentality towards nature through education will ensure quality of life for us and the generations yet to come. Throughout this paper we will discover the importance of the tidal wetlands, restorations processes, functions and results from these restorations.
The Tidal marsh is one …show more content…

the hydrology of the tidal swamp form intertidal and supratidal cays shores and rivers, as well as sites along coastlines with low-energy waves. also tidal flood and ebb of brackish water. there is very slow percolation even at low water table in which tidal import nutrients upland runoff nutrients.
The most significant part of the tidal marsh is its ecology which posses a dense uniform grass, rush, sedge prairies, smooth cordgrasses at deep sites and black rush
at shallow sites. This community has an extremely high biological productivity it is the habitat for numerous fish, shellfish and birds. The tidal marsh is in charge of the stabilization and protection of shore and the soil formation. Unfortunately there has been a lot of human impact not only in this community but in the overall picture. In the case of the tidal marsh apparently secure from natural community in Florida and on earth may be rare in some regions, the offshore pollution, inland pollutant runoff, dredging and filling erosion of unvegetated marsh are still affecting this community.
However, there has been a large number of interventions trying to restore the natural habitats. projects like the Bandon marsh national refuge located near the mouth of the Coquille River, in Oregon has become an oasis for migrating birds and many other species, this project was the largest tidal marsh restoration ever constructed in
Oregon, according to Stan Van De Wetering, fisheries biologist

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