
Restricted Teens

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When speaking about teenagers attending rated R movies, past president Bill Clinton said, “One can value the 1st amendment right to free speech and at the same time care for and act with restraint”. Clinton was the one who proposed that all people under 17 would have to be accompanied by an adult to a rated R (Restricted) movie. Although some people believe that teens should be able to go to see these movies alone, they do not have enough maturity and good judgment to have this right. Kids and teenagers should not be allowed to go to a rated R movie without a parent or guardian. Restricted movies have a direct link with violence, smoking, and drinking in teens. Also, content in rated R movies is not appropriate for kids and young …show more content…

Furthermore, teens take the inappropriate and violent behavior too far. “…A 16-year-old California boy killed his and admitted to investigators that he had gotten the idea from the movie Scream” (Surette) Restricted movies put bad images and ideas in teenager’s heads, and in extreme cases, people get hurt of killed because of it. On the flip side, teens say that they can tell the difference between movies and real life. Some teens may be able to tell the difference, but what about the other teens? Until they are mature enough to tell right from wrong real from fake, teenagers should not be able to go to R rated movies alone. To sum it up, restricted movies are inappropriate for teens and kids. All in all, Bill Clinton was undeniably correct when he spoke of teens and R rated movies. Teenagers should not be able to go to movies that were mad for adults to see. These movies cause more drinking, smoking, and violence. Also, teenagers do not have enough self-control or self-censorship to watch restricted movies. Last but not least, the content in rated R movies is not appropriate. If a teenager really wants to see a restricted film, it will be waiting for them at Blockbuster when they turn seventeen. Works Cited Lotozo, Elis. "Naughty Turns Nice: Parents Have Access to Specially Edited DVD's." Philadelphia Inquirer 26 Apr. 2004. SIRS. Pitofsky, Robert. "The Influence of

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