
Rethink English Lessons

Good Essays

While educators struggle with different methods on how to approach homework, three articles embedded within the November 2008 issue of the English Journal provide various techniques in order to create an environment conducive to learning. In this environment, students should be to express their ideas freely. Through these ideas, the homework assignment is able to exhibit some type of intrinsic value to the individual student. Personal connections to the course material being taught gives the assignment a significant purpose. With each meaningful and significant assignment, the students can treasure the lessons learned towards their development of analytical skills. However, in order for us teachers to ensure that each one of our students receives …show more content…

Rebecca Gemmell writes in "Encouraging Student Voice in Academic Writing" about the difference that rethinking homework assignments can make in the classroom, students' writing, and the students themselves. From a survey conducted by the University of California, it was found that teachers …show more content…

The value from each homework assignment is what will motivate and push the student to work towards his/her full potential. The voice of every student has basket filled with ideas just waiting to be heard. As a teacher, it is our responsibility to allow students to express themselves in order to shape better writing in terms of critical thinking. Any connection that a student can make to the course material should be encouraged as the student is beginning to show an appreciation for learning. While being a student lab assistant for remedial algebra (MATH 020/090) and a tutor for advanced mathematics in the Math Resource Center (MRC), I try to explain the mathematical concept to the struggling student in a way that can relate to them. By making connections between diverse disciplines, the students are able to understand the concept more efficiently. The way in which words can be manipulated to convey the same idea is crucial to reach out and try to ensure that every student can

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