
Why Should Homework Be Meaningful To All Students Essay

Decent Essays

Why homework should be meaningful to all students.

-Better education for students.

-More interest in doing homework.

-Less stress on students and their families.

In order for homework to be meaningful, it should have a purpose and be personalized and inviting to students doing the homework. A important thing to have with homework is students being able to freely talk and communicate with their teachers if they struggle. It should have unlimited opportunities and possibilities for different student learning. Homework should be helping encourage students about doing their homework with personal interests, their skills, and engage in something new.

The Fundamental Five

A article from Educational Leadership states, there is five main tasks that homework should have for the students actually to be getting something out of it. The first one is, having a clear academic point and purpose. To do something like that you could have a checking in with it the student. Another reason is you can tell the student is learning something with it. Next is, there should be different choices for the different type of students. Many students learn at different paces and have to spend way more time on their homework than other classmates. The fourth thing is they should be able to complete this by themselves and not having a lot of extra help. This shows the students they are capable of doing something by themselves. Lastly, the students take an interest in the work and for the most part find it enjoyable.

When there is a clear point to homework it makes it easier and shows the student they are learning something. If there is A lot of times teachers will give work that isn’t clear what the point is so it’s confusing. When this happens students feel if they are not learning anything so there is no point even doing it. A lot of them feel it is not memorable or meaningful. Students should not just be practicing the same thing they learned over and over.
Teachers should be able to tell the students are learning something from the homework they are assigned. Homework should have feedback from the teachers about how the students understand the work. When students do not understand something must the time they will just leave it

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