
Retrospective Analysis of Personality

Good Essays

Retrospective Analysis of Personality
Intro to Psychology
August 31, 2014

I found doing this paper quite exciting to a certain point, until I really took a moment to glance back into my life and see the changes that have taken place. Through the years I have wondered what made me change my personality towards the way I look at things but now I see why. I drastically made those changes due to the different people and environments I have been. My personality started out as helping anyone I could, even if it left me broke. I still had that great feeling of helping someone out. My sense of humor and acting silly is something I can’t change because I myself enjoy it so much and need it; in this day and age. I have change me eagerness to …show more content…

He stated that he could train him to be such regardless of the child's potentialities, talents and race. One of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the Nature vs Nurture debate. Each of these sides have good points that it's really hard to decide whether a person's development is predisposed in his DNA, or a majority of it is influenced by this life experiences and his environment. As of now, we know that both nature and nurture play important roles in human development, but we have not known yet whether we are developed majorly because of nature or due to nurture.
The human brain is capable of 1016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any computer currently in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains don't have major limitations. The lowly calculator can do math thousands of times better than we can, and our memories are often less than useless plus, we're subject to cognitive biases, those annoying glitches in our thinking that cause us to make questionable decisions and reach erroneous conclusions. Here are a dozen of the most common and pernicious cognitive biases that you need to know about. Before we start, it's important to distinguish between cognitive biases and logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an error in logical argumentation (e.g. ad hominem attacks, slippery slopes, circular arguments, appeal

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