
Revenge In Hamlet And Medea

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In the classical stories of Hamlet and Medea the act of revenge causes a chain effect of emotional, ethical, and psychological state of mind of the characters. At the beginning of the play Medea is already in agony at the knowledge of Jason leaving her for another woman. Medea is characterized as a woman of extreme behavior and extreme emotions. Out of love and passion for Jason, Medea sacrifice her family and home, but that soon changes and passion is transfused to rage. Looking at the painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch helps illustrates the passion and lost that Medea encounter in this very moment. Even Nurse recites: “It is clear that a dark cloud of sorrow is flaring up
from its first flicker and soon will ignite
into a greater passion. Medea at any cost vowed to see the destruction of Jason. How can so much love for someone be strewed to the point of loathing and resentment? In the oxford dictionary revenge is define as “The action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.” Medea rationalizes her action as valid because it inflicts Jason but is this consider ethical? Hamlet is order by the spirit of the King Hamlet (Hamlet father) to seek revenge from the man who took his throne and married his wife. Although Medea and Hamlet have a similar objective Hamlet’s desire for revenge doesn’t come from his natural instinct, but something that was inflicted on him by his father. Hamlet question his abilities to pull through

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