
Review For Exam 2

Better Essays

Women and Crime
CCJ 4670


Review the Key Terms at the end of each chapter.

Lecture 5 – Delinquency across the Life Span

1. Describe Claussen’s classic study of children of the Great Depression and its findings.
2. Define “turning point.” -involves a gradual or dramatic change which may lead to a modification, reshaping, or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another
3. Describe the various explanations for the age of desistance from crime. As age increases, criminal behavior decreases in frequency and seriousness. Ones identity in ages 17-20 begin to realize their life going nowhere and must make necessary changes to achieve success. The decision to give up or continue with crime is based on …show more content…

Lecture 6 – Gendered Crime

1. Describe women’s involvement in property crimes. Greater involvement in minor property crimes like fraud and embezzlement due to their economic marginalization or feminization of property.
2. Compare the rates of arrests for men and women for prostitution. Approx twice as many women(69%) as men(31%) are arrested.
3. Compare the gender differences in the drug industry, and describe the reasons for the differences. Women are not equal partners. Their earnings are low, drugs are acquired by sexual transactions and not cash. women dealers receive longer sentences than male dealers because they stand by their man. Often, the woman is charged with conspiracy to deliver drugs when her partner or spouse turns her in as the only way he has to reduce his own sentence.

Lecture 7 – Substance Abuse

1. Define dual diagnosis. They have a diagnosis mental disorder and a substance dependency disorder.
2. List the ways the nation’s war on drugs coupled with punitive sentencing practices continue to create harm to women.
3. Examine the gender differences in alcohol/drug consumption found by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). Women are more likely to abuse substances in order to lose weight, relieves stress or bordom, improve mood, reduce inhibitions, self medicate depression, increase confidence.
4. Explain why there are

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