
Review Of Arthur Amundson 's First Year Of Life

Decent Essays

Calum Arthur Amundson was born September 1st, 2016 at 8:13 in the morning at the Central Cass Library Hospital. After a total of eight hours of labor, which caused Calum to become distressed, the doctors decided to do a C-section taking only ten minutes. One minute after birth, the Apgar test was presented to him; he scored a seven, but when the test was done again at five minutes, he scored an eight. Proceeding on through his first hours of life, I made the decision that he shall be breastfed; thankfully, he took this choice quite well. Maybe a little too well, I might add. Calum started gaining weight faster than normal, so a consistent meal chart was created to put him back on track. Calum had a little bit of a stressful start to life, but overall his first 18 years only had a few rough patches. Within Calum’s first year of life, he developed many strengths and few weaknesses. His crawling skills came around a couple months ahead of the average child, and he started walking at nine months. My encouragement of his two step planning system aided him is his advances. Even though he was naturally curious about everything, he started to be fearful of new people. I brought him to meet new people, but I don’t think I began introducing him to others early enough. He could have had more time to overcome this fear before it became a problem. Eventually, he did get over this bump in the road. For a while, he acted fussy and restless at nap and bed time. He’d start having a

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