
Review Of The Convention For The Conservation Of Salmon

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Introduction In this paper, I will discuss the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean and its implications for its member-countries, as well as the international community as a whole. The treaty was ratified in 1983, several years after the initial creation of 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zones around states (Windsor, 1993, 38). According to Windsor, “[Growing] concern about salmon catches in home waters, resulted in a number of appeals by interested parties to work toward greater international cooperation through an international convention” (Windsor, 1993, 38). The treaty was believed to be necessary to regulate international fishing of salmon in the North Atlantic, and in particular to stop the …show more content…

Regulated Behavior The Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean seeks to regulate international fishing of the North Atlantic for salmon by creating the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, made up of three regional commissions: the North American Commission, the West Greenland Commission, and the North-East Atlantic Commission. This organization and its commissions have the legal capacity to make laws regarding the take of salmon in the North Atlantic (defined as the portion of the ocean above 36 degrees latitude) and pursue diplomatic solutions when countries do not follow these laws and regulations (Windsor, 1993, 38). In the words of the treaty itself, it was created “ promote the conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon stocks in the North Atlantic Ocean through international co-operation” (NASCO Secretariat, 1982). The treaty was first established primarily to aid in the management of “the distant-water fisheries of Greenland and the Faroe Islands” as well as to curb the overfishing of the Norwegian sea (which at its peak had an annual harvest of 1,000 tons), but has expanded to encompass the localized management of salmon fisheries through the protection and restoration of rivers and other essential habitats (“Background,” NASCO;“The Work of NASCO ~ 1984 to 2012”, 2012, 8). Non-Treaty Influences on Behavior Before the treaty was in place there were a number of

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