
Review & Selection Of A Standardized Test . Introduction.

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Review & Selection of a Standardized Test
Test administrators should understand and clarify why the test taker is being assessed,(American Educational Research, 2014). Additionally, they should also understand why certain tests, inventories, and diagnostic procedures are selected. As a student, in the process of achieving a Master 's degree in clinical psychology, it is essential to be aware of the reasons for certain tests, their reliability, and validity. This especially true for a clinical psychologist, which I plan to become. Clinical psychologists identify psychological, emotional, and behavioral concerns. Eventually, those issues are diagnosed. Then, treatment plans are developed and implemented. This would not be …show more content…

It targets executive functions like impulse control, flexible problem solving skills, controlling emotional responses, regulating behavior in social settings, generating ideas and initiating activities, cognitive skills, planning, and organizing, and lastly, task monitoring, (Roth et al, 2005). The last test, that will be reviewed, is Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (CBRS). The target population, for this test, includes individuals ' whose ages range from 6 to 18. Conners CBRS was created to assess a wide range of behaviors, emotions, social functioning, and academic issues, in order to diagnose, develop, and monitor treatment plans for the individual, (Conners, 2015). Conners CBRS, also, aids with special education classification, intervention planning, progress monitoring, and research.

Element 2 In this next section, the three selected tests will be reviewed for their "appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content coverage for the intended purpose of testing," (Code, 2004, p. 5, See #2). ASEBA 's behavior checklist and self-reports contains DSM-Oriented, syndrome, competence, and adaptive functioning scales that target specific behavior, thought, emotions, and social interactions, (Lacalle et al, 2012). As a result, this test can provide appropriate behavioral treatment plans. When Lacelle, Ezpeleta, and Doménech evaluated this test,

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