
Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Demoralization' By Cesar Chavez

Decent Essays

Cesar Chavez shows us in this piece just how upsetting violence actually is. The author relates to the audience through pathos and logos. Chavez also uses diction in such a beautiful way and he also makes a great deal of connection with his readers. In this essay he uses great diction to prove a non-violent statement. He is very repetitive with the word “non-violent’’, he even repeats this word ten times! Referencing to Martin Luther King Jr. only helps with the imagery of a non-violent society. By using the word “Demoralization”, Chavez ties together the emotional appeal of this article. The tactics used by Cesar add structure to his purpose. He demonstrates the violence affiliated with the working people and how we should not turn to violence so much as a solutions but however to turn to non-violence as the permanent solution. Chavez wants to make the point to use the power gained through non-violence to help make a better tomorrow. …show more content…

The way he flows through the appeals adds a definition to his purpose. Chavez expresses a great deal of pathos throughout this piece, he connects with his audience by doing this. He points out the disparity of violence and how people abuse this nature. He relates to Martin Luther King Jr. through their shared belief of a complete non-violence. Also chavez references to Gandhi and how he taught and expresses the instruments of non-violence. Cesar chavez reveals the truth about violence towards our working men and women. Boycotts and rampages were referred to as “weapons against grower” and “a way of avoiding our senseless violence”. He uses this to show the power of violence, but the even greater power of

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