
Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

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In the time of the mid-20th century, racism on African-Americans was a huge issue. Even though blacks were supposed to be free under the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln. The law system did not reinforce the act, blacks were still victimized ruthlessly. Therefore, many blacks decided to try to change the system and many black activists appeared. The most notable one was Martin Luther King Jr. of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Out of many civil rights related appearances, the famous “I Have A Dream Speech”, given at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, made an astronomical impact was due to the social mood during the late 50’s early 60’s and illustrating the racist problems of the time and provoke his audience into feeling sympathy while providing hope to the depressed African-American population. It gave black activist a heads up for the future. Hitting the hearts of blacks, making the whites feel ashamed for what they have done, willing to go back, having society awaken back to its roots. Dr. King informed the audience with about fairness and racial equality. Carefully structuring his speech to his different types of audience, using the rhetorical modes logos, pathos and ethos reinforcing with rhetorical devices showing the conditions of the negroes, demonstrating the actual truth of the civil right movements, and giving them hope for their future. King, with great strength, begins his speech confidently with “ I am happy to join with you

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