
Rhetorical Analysis Of John Kerry's Speech

Decent Essays

John Kerry Believes
During the 2004 Democratic National Convention, then Illinois Senator Barack Obama delivered a truly beautiful and heartfelt keynote address to the democratic voters for the support of democratic candidate John Kerry. His speech touched the very souls of the American people as he introduced his speech with an anecdote of his father following the American dream from his tiny shack in Kenya all the way to fields and oil rigs of Kansas where he would meet the women he would eventually marry. Obama talked about how his parents believed in the tolerance of both cultural and income differences in this country and then used parallelism, repetition, and logical appeals to link these such beliefs to John Kerry’s promises as president.
To open his keynote address, Barack Obama tells parent’s story which starts from halfway across the world and ends up in the country with endless possibilities. As he puts it, “my parents shared not only an improbable love; They shared an abiding faith in the possibility of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack or ‘blessed,’ believing that in a tolerant America, your name is no barrier to success.” This Anecdote serves as an inspiration for the democratic voters who …show more content…

One of many Kerry’s ideals Obama describes that falls in line with the democratic view is the idea of opening new opportunities for jobs. In his speech, the Illinois Senator describes the many workers he met who were “losing their union jobs at the Maytag Plant that’s moving to Mexico” and were “competing with their own children for jobs.” Later in his address, he states that John Kerry is in favor of changing these conditions to fit a system he thinks would work as a democrat. Statements like this were said to show his voting audience that he holds the same beliefs they do and that he deserves to win the presidential

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