
Rhetorical Analysis Of Richard Louv's Last Child In The Woods

Decent Essays

Last Child in the Woods, written by Richard Louv, is filed with multiple rhetorical strategies for the purpose of developing his argument of nature verses mankind. In today’s society, technology has become essential for a person to properly function. Louv draws the reader’s attention to the lack of nature in the lives of today's technology obsessed generation with the application of devices such as: anecdotes, sarcasm, and the use of rhetorical questions while also building to power.
One rhetorical device that started off the piece was the use of a personal anecdote. Louv mentioned that a friend of his recently visited a car dealership and shocked the dealer when she answered no to the added backseat technology. This small narration provided …show more content…

Sarcasm can sometimes weaken ones argument because it could be seen as offensive or unpleasant, but Louv thoughtful weaved the sarcasm to further enhance his argument. He provided a touch of his sarcasm when he wrote, “Yes, we’ll say, it’s true. We actually looked out the car window”. This, according to Louv, will be the response we give our grandchildren when we speak of our pass. With this sentence of sarcasm the reader comes to the realization of how actually taking the time out of ones day to sit down and take in nature, to just simply look at it and appreciate it, is becoming more and more rare. With the technology advancing so quickly, Louvs humorous sarcasm is meant to be a slap in the face for some to change their view on how they perceive …show more content…

A rhetorical question can be an effective persuasive device. Louv presented the idea that technology is interfering with man's bond with and love for nature. After closing his anecdote to begin a new paragraph, Louv starts off asking "Why do so many Americans say they want their children to watch less TV, yet continue to expand the opportunities for them to watch it?" Rhetorical questions can be very powerful because it is subtly influencing the kind of response one wants to get from their audience. This question forces the readers to consider where they stand on the issue. After obliging his readers to really contemplate the topic, Louv slowly begins to build to power with another question: “More importantly why do so many people no longer consider the physical world worth watch?” This next question is more detailed than the first. This causes the audiences to really take Louvs argument under consideration, he sets one good point after another and he does this throughout this whole paragraph. Till the very end where Louv very thoughtfully concluded with; “We considered the past and dreamed of the future, and watched it all go by in the blink of an eye.” The main purpose of building to power is to leave the audiences hanging at the most influential part. Louv did this perfectly leaving the read at the with an emotional thought to ponder. Naturally the thought of life passing by too

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