
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Glass Ceiling

Decent Essays

Frank, Carter



October 17th, 2017

Rhetorical Analysis: The Glass Ceiling Hurts Business Too

In Sarah Bianchi-Sand’s article, she details the “glass ceiling,” or an unofficial boundary that prevents women and minorities alike from reaching their highest potential. Her work is meant to persuade readers that the glass ceiling isn't a myth, but a real and serious problem. Being the Chair and Executive Director of the National Committee on Pay Equity, Sarah has plenty of reason for wanting to persuade this topic. Her thesis effectively starts this process by laying out what is happening. “This theory is circulating widely among the press-perhaps because it is controversial and contradicts what has become rather boring to the media-but what remains are the real-life experiences of women and people of color- no real change in the wage gap and no improvement in the glass ceiling (Bianchi-Sand p.306). This thesis opens the door for Sarah to talk about and persuade her readers that the glass ceiling is no myth. By using ethos, pathos, and logos our Author persuades her readers that the glass ceiling is hurting business but can be raised.

“Sarah Bianchi-Sand began her career path as an advocate of equal pay for equal work in 1969 when she took a job as a stewardess for United Airlines. Appalled by the inequalities she saw there, she ran for and won a seat as president of the flight attendants union. Now Chair and Executive Director of the National Committee

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