
Rhetorical Analysis On Fast Food

Decent Essays

This rhetorical analysis is over the effects of fast food and the health of the person eating it. “Eat fast, die young” is the motto of the second spoof ad. The reality is that this spoof ad is accurate. Studies over the past 30 to 50 years show that fast food and junk food is extremely unhealthy and causes obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and several other diseases. Most fast food restaurants serve high calorie and low-density foods. That means one gets a lot of calories and very little nutritional value from the food. Obesity rates have steadily climbed over the past 60 years as have the number of fast food restaurants. “The prevalence of obesity and obesity related diseases has increased rapidly in the U.S. since the mid-1970s. At the same time, the number of fast food restaurants more than doubled over the same time period, while the number of other restaurants grew at a much slower pace.” (Currie Vigna Moretti Pathania 1) Stating the fact that when one eats substantial amounts of fast food, the health of that person will drastically decrease is definitely true. Clearly, it is not hard to notice that a multitude of people seen on a daily basis are either overweight or obese. Even though it may not be as noticeable, there is also a large percent of the population with other fast food related illnesses. Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and dietary disorders have all been contributed to by fast food. “Diseases like coronary artery disease

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