
Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

Decent Essays

I had a lot of difficulty transitioning from the Rhetorical Analysis essay to the Rhetoric in Practice Project for the mere reason of the change in dependency between the two projects, meaning, we spent so much time on the RA and we had all the necessary tools and time to perfect it and have a good chance of writing a well written essay. Yet, in contrary, the RIP is all individual work, finding what you want to argue, your inspiration, your sources, and where to even begin. The beginning, the very first day this was introduced, everyone was talking about the topic they were interested in or they wanted to write about, that is the day I had no clue what I was interested in doing, my mind was literally blank. Throughout all the process work, …show more content…

Why? I do not know the outcome of this Project, I can make myself believe I’ll do really good, but I will not know, because that’s just how writing works, there is always space to learn and improve. I know for a fact that although the RA and the RIP are two different assignments, both have vey different techniques of writing and expression, however they are also very similar. Both are trying to make a point, both have the ability to engage with the audience and allow for the author of the essay to express emotion on certain topics. My organization skills, were not the best, I had great difficulty in mastering a smooth essay without confusing my readers so much. I was never able to revise my own writing, I never saw anything wrong with it, I was also never taught what I was supposed to look for. But my peers, my peers are the ones that taught me what to look for, they taught me how to turn a whole sentence around and and giving it a clearer meaning. Everyone that helped me on my essay were able to teach me, so I can apply it myself. I have also been able to learn about argumentation and persuasion; two totally different things but in reality they are two very similar things that correlate with one another in order to create a stronger essay. I learned this by working on the RIP, this project allowed me to try and persuade my audience by using my feeling, emotions, experiences, and knowledge so I can articulate an argument that can be debated, but won. There is no doubt that this project allowed me to grow as a writer and not only learn from my mistakes but to be able to recognize them before it is too

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