
Rhetorical Analysis : ' The Rhetorical Triangle '

Decent Essays

Over the course of this semester I learned several skills and techniques this semester to improve my writing skills for the future. This class has helped me learn many skills that I did not know before I first walked in here. I personally feel that I have made an improvement in the acknowledgment I had in writing. One of the major writing principles that I will never forget is the rhetorical triangle for example, logos, ethos, and pathos make up the rhetorical triangle I used in my Rhetorical Analysis Essay. To illustrate this in the beginning of Tatum’s article she attempts to use logos to demonstrate her own view on racism. She believes racism is “a term used only for behaviors committed by whites in the context of a white dominated …show more content…

This tells you the direction of my essay. Additionally, I learned the three types of keywords used in topic sentences which include the main idea, directional elements, and newness. If you look at this thesis while Tatum and Kozol both successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public schools in America, Tatum’s and Kozol’s arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general readers to their side of the argument because of their unsupported claims, unclear generalities, and irrelevant examples (Synthesis, 2017, p.1). The main idea is Tatum and Kozol both successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public schools in America. The directional elements are unsupported claims, unclear generalities, and irrelevant examples. The newness in my thesis is Tatum’s and Kozol’s arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general readers. When writing my research argument I included citations and quotes. I included citations to acknowledge the contribution of other writers in my work and it provided evidence to support the assertions and claims in my paper. For instance, Fighting words and true threats to inflict injury are types of speech that are more easily constrained than others (Ruane, 2014, p. 3). I cited Ruane’s work at the end of the sentence to give her credit. I also used quotes for important evidence. If you look at this quote the student had posted several statements and pictures to his

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